Programmers Guide

In this section a number of examples demonstrating various PyU4V functionality are provided. If you have an example which you believe would make a good addition here let us know be opening a support issue and we will review it for addition!

Although the scope of these programmers examples is limited, it is worth pointing out that if you want to see a working example of any function you can do so by looking at that function’s associated continuous integration test.


In the first two examples print statements will be included to show how responses from REST requests for newly created assets can be used for further operations, in all later examples print statements will not be included for succinctness.

First connection to PyU4V

In this basic example we initialise a connection with Unisphere, retrieving version and array information, and finishing by closing the REST session.


import PyU4V

# Initialise PyU4V connection to Unisphere
conn = PyU4V.U4VConn(
    u4v_version='90', server_ip='', port=8443,
    verify='~/.PyU4V/Unisphere91.pem', username='pyu4v-user',

# Get the Unisphere version
version = conn.common.get_uni_version()

# Retrieve a list of arrays managed by your instance of Unisphere
array_list = conn.common.get_array_list()

# Output results to screen
print('Congratulations on your first connection to Unisphere, your '
      'version is: {ver}'.format(ver=version[0]))
print('This instance of Unisphere instance manages the following arrays: '

# GET those arrays which are local to this instance of Unisphere
local_array_list = list()
for array_id in array_list:
    array_details = conn.common.get_array(array_id)
    if array_details['local']:

# Output results to screen
print('The following arrays are local to this Unisphere instance: '

# Close the session

A-Synchronous Provisioning & Creating Storage for a Host

This example demonstrates checking an array SRP and service level to determine if there is enough headroom to provision storage of a set size, if so, proceed to creating a storage group with volume. Create a host, port group, and masking view to tie all the elements together, close the session when done.


import PyU4V

# Initialise PyU4V connection to Unisphere
conn = PyU4V.U4VConn(
    u4v_version='90', server_ip='', port=8443,
    verify='~/.PyU4V/Unisphere91.pem', username='pyu4v-user',

# Before provisioning storage we are going to check that there is enough
# headroom left on the array for our provisioning operations

# Get the available headroom for the SRP and service level required
headroom_info = conn.wlp.get_headroom(array_id=conn.array_id,
                                      srp='SRP_1', slo='Diamond')

# Extract the capacity value from the headroom_info REST response
headroom_capacity = headroom_info[

# If the requested capacity of 10GB is less than or equal to the available
# capacity proceed with the provisioning operations
if REQUESTED_CAPACITY <= int(headroom_capacity):
    # Create a non-empty storage group using asynchronous request - we can
    # wait until the job completes or proceed with operations and check
    # back at a later time
    storage_group_async_job = (
            srp_id='SRP_1', storage_group_id='example-sg',
            service_level='Diamond', num_vols=1,
            vol_size=REQUESTED_CAPACITY, cap_unit='GB', _async=True))

    # We will wait this time on the results of the storage group create
    # request
    conn.common.wait_for_job(operation='Create SG with volume',
    print('Storage Group created successfully...')

    # Get information on our new storage group
    storage_group_info = conn.provisioning.get_storage_group(
    print('Storage Group details: {details}'.format(

    # Create a Host using supplied initiator IDs, these can be also be
    # retrieved via the call conn.provisioning.get_available_initiator()
    initiator_list = ['iqn:2019-test1', 'iqn:2019-test1']
    host_info = conn.provisioning.create_host(
        host_name='Example-Host', initiator_list=initiator_list)
    print('Host created successfully...')
    print('New Host details: {details}'.format(details=host_info))

    # Create a Port Group using supplied ports, these could be also be
    # retrieved via the call conn.provisioning.get_port_list()
    port_group_info = conn.provisioning.create_port_group(
        port_group_id='Example-PG', director_id='SE-01', port_id='1')
    print('Port Group created successfully...')
    print('Port Group details: {details}'.format(details=port_group_info))

    # Create a Masking View and tie all the elements we have created
    # together
    masking_view_info = (
            port_group_name='Example-PG', masking_view_name='Example-MV',
            storage_group_name='Example-SG', host_name='Example-Host'))
    print('Masking View created...')
    print('Masking View details: {details}'.format(

# Close the session

Local Replication with SnapVX

In this example a new storage group is created with a single 1GB volume. A snapshot name is generated using the current time so it can be easily identified, and the storage group snapshot is created. The operation is verified by querying for a list of snapshots for a given storage group and confirming the snapshot we created is present in that list.


import PyU4V
import time

# Initialise PyU4V connection to Unisphere
conn = PyU4V.U4VConn()

# Create storage Group with one volume using settings specified for
# service level and capacity
storage_group = conn.provisioning.create_non_empty_storage_group(
    srp_id='SRP_1', storage_group_id='PyU4V_SG', service_level='Diamond',
    workload=None, num_vols=1, vol_size=1, cap_unit='GB')

# Define a Name for the Snapshot, in this case the name auto appends
# the host
# time for when it was taken for ease of identification
snap_name = 'PyU4V_Snap_' + time.strftime('%d%m%Y%H%M%S')

# Create the snapshot of the storage group containing the volume and
# storage group created in the previous step
snapshot = conn.replication.create_storage_group_snapshot(
    storage_group_id=storage_group['storageGroupId'], snap_name=snap_name)

# Confirm the snapshot was created successfully, get a list of storage
# group snapshots
snap_list = conn.replication.get_storage_group_snapshot_list(

# Assert the snapshot name is in the list of storage group snapshots
assert snapshot['name'] in snap_list

# Close the session

This example will create a storage group with a volume, create a snapshot of that storage group and link the snapshot to a new storage group. This is a typical workflow for provisioning a dev environment and making a copy available.


import PyU4V
from time import strftime

# Set up connection to Unisphere for PowerMax Server, details collected
# from configuration file in working directory where script is stored.
conn = PyU4V.U4VConn()

# Create storage Group with one volume
storage_group = conn.provisioning.create_non_empty_storage_group(
    srp_id='SRP_1', storage_group_id='PyU4V_SG', service_level='Diamond',
    workload=None, num_vols=1, vol_size=1, cap_unit='GB')

# Define a Name for the Snapshot, in this case the name auto appends the
# host time for when it was taken for ease of identification
snap_name = 'PyU4V_Snap_' + time.strftime('%d%m%Y%H%M%S')

# Create the snapshot of the storage group containing the volume and
# storage group created in the previous step
snapshot = conn.replication.create_storage_group_snapshot(
    storage_group_id=storage_group['storageGroupId'], snap_name=snap_name)

# Link The Snapshot to a new storage group, the API will automatically
# create the link storage group with the right number of volumes if one
# with that name doesn't already exist
    tgt_storage_grp_id='PyU4V_LNK_SG', link=True,
    snap_name=snap_name, gen_num=0)

# Close the session

Remote Replication with SRDF

This example will create a storage group on the PowerMax array with some volumes. Once the storage group has been created it will protect the volumes in the storage group to a remote array using SRDF/Metro, providing Active/Active business continuity via Symmetrix Remote Data Facility (SRDF).


import PyU4V

# Initialise PyU4V connection to Unisphere
conn = PyU4V.U4VConn()

# Create storage Group with one volume using settings specified for
# service level and capacity
storage_group = conn.provisioning.create_non_empty_storage_group(
    srp_id='SRP_1', storage_group_id='PyU4V_SG', service_level='Diamond',
    workload=None, num_vols=1, vol_size=1, cap_unit='GB')

# Make a call to setup the remote replication, this will automatically
# create a storage group with the same name on the remote array with the
# correct volume count and size, the example here is executed
# asynchronously and a wait is added to poll the async job id until
# complete
srdf_job_id = conn.replication.create_storage_group_srdf_pairings(
    remote_sid=conn.remote_array, srdf_mode="Active", _async=True)

# Wait until the previous create SRDF pairing job has completed before
# proceeding

# The now protected storage group will have an RDFG associated with it,
# using the function conn.replication.get_storage_group_rdfg() function we
# can retrieve a list of RDFGs associated with the storage group, in this
# case there will only be one
rdfg_list = conn.replication.get_storage_group_srdf_group_list(

# Extract the (only) RDFG number from the retrieved list
rdfg_number = rdfg_list[0]

# Finally the details of the protected storage group can be output to the
# user.
storage_group_srdf_info = conn.replication.get_storage_group_srdf_details(

# Close the session

Performance Metrics Gathering

This example demonstrates a range of performance functionality such as getting performance categories and metrics, timestamps from Unisphere for an array, get recent only performance information, and getting ResponseTime for all SRPs in an array.


from PyU4V import U4VConn

# Initialise PyU4V Unisphere connection
conn = PyU4V.U4VConn(
    u4v_version='90', server_ip='', port=8443,
    verify='~/.PyU4V/Unisphere91.pem', username='pyu4v-user',

# Get a list of performance categories
category_list = conn.performance.get_performance_categories_list()

# Get a list of supported metrics for the category 'FEDirector'
fe_dir_metrics = conn.performance.get_performance_metrics_list(

# Get a list of KPI only metrics for the category 'StorageGroup'
storage_group_metrics = conn.performance.get_performance_metrics_list(
    category='StorageGroup', kpi_only=True)

# Get array KPI performance metrics for the most recent timestamp only,
# set recency so timestamp has to be less than 5 minutes old
array_performance_data = conn.performance.get_array_stats(metrics='KPI',

# Get ResponseTime for each SRP for the last 4 hours
# Firstly get the most recent performance timestamp for your array
recent_timestamp = conn.performance.get_last_available_timestamp()
# Set the performance recency value to 10 minutes and check if the most
# recent timestamp meets that recency value
conn.performance.recency = 10
is_recent_ten = conn.performance.is_timestamp_current(recent_timestamp)
# Recency can also be passed to is_timestamp_current
is_recent_five = conn.performance.is_timestamp_current(recent_timestamp,

# Get the start and end times by providing the most recent timestamp and
# specifying a 4 hour difference
start_time, end_time = conn.performance.get_timestamp_by_hour(
    end_time=recent_timestamp, hours_difference=4)
# Get the list of SRPs
srp_keys = conn.performance.get_storage_resource_pool_keys()
srp_list = list()
for key in srp_keys:
# Get the performance data for each of the SRPs in the list
for srp in srp_list:
    srp_data = conn.performance.get_storage_resource_pool_stats(
        srp_id=srp, metrics='ResponseTime', start_time=start_time,

# Close the session


This example of system calls demonstrates performing a system health check, retrieving information from the last health check, querying for all installed disk IDs in an array and outputting information about each.


import PyU4V

# Initialise PyU4V connection to Unisphere
conn = PyU4V.U4VConn(
        u4v_version='90', server_ip='', port=8443,
        verify='~/.PyU4V/Unisphere91.pem', username='pyu4v-user',

# Perform a system health check, this call can take 15-20 minutes to
# complete in Unisphere due to the nature of the checks performed

# Get details of the last system health check
health_check = conn.system.get_system_health()

# Get a list of physical disks installed in the array
disk_list = conn.system.get_disk_id_list()

# Get disk information for each disk installed
for disk in disk_list.get('disk_ids'):
    disk_info = conn.system.get_disk_details(disk_id=disk)

# Close the session

File Handling & Thresholds

In this example both performance threshold calls and CSV file handling with PyU4V are demonstrated. A call is made to retrieve a full list of performance threshold settings and output the results to a CSV file at a path specified by the user. That CSV file is read into a Python dictionary and the respective values within are updated. Once complete the updated threshold settings are uploaded to Unisphere to take immediate effect.


import os
import PyU4V

# Initialise PyU4V connection to Unisphere
conn = PyU4V.U4VConn()

# Set the CSV file name and path
current_directory = os.getcwd()
output_csv_name = 'thresholds-test.csv'
output_csv_path = os.path.join(current_directory, output_csv_name)

# Generate a CSV file with all of the thresholds and corresponding values

# Read the CSV values into a dictionary, cast all string booleans and
# numbers to their proper types
threshold_dict = PyU4V.utils.file_handler.read_csv_values(output_csv_path,

# Increase all of the first threshold values by 5 and second threshold
# values by 10, alert only on the KPIs
for i in range(0, len(threshold_dict.get('metric'))):
    threshold_dict['firstThreshold'][i] += 5
    threshold_dict['secondThreshold'][i] += 5
    if threshold_dict['kpi'][i] is True:
        threshold_dict['alertError'][i] = True

# Process the CSV file and update the thresholds with their corresponding
# values, we are only going to set the threshold value if it is a KPI

# It is also possible to set a threshold value without editing the values
# in a CSV, the threshold metric and be edited directly
threshold_settings = conn.performance.update_threshold_settings(
    category='Array', metric='PercentCacheWP', alert=True,
    first_threshold=60, first_threshold_occurrences=2,
    first_threshold_samples=6, first_threshold_severity='INFORMATION',
    second_threshold=90, second_threshold_occurrences=1,
    second_threshold_samples=3, second_threshold_severity='CRITICAL')

# Close the session