
Once PyU4V is installed the next step is to configure it through PyU4V.conf. There is a sample version of PyU4V.conf provided in PyU4V which has default configuration options for logging but will require environment configuration setting changes for PyU4V to work.

Copy the sample PyU4V.conf provided with PyU4V to either your working directory or within a directory named .PyU4V in your current users home directory. The .sample suffix has to be removed for the configuration file to become valid for loading by PyU4V:

$ mkdir ~/.PyU4V
$ cp PyU4V/PyU4V.conf.sample ~/.PyU4V/PyU4V.conf


The ~ symbol is used here to represent the users home directory regardless of operating system, however, ~ is not a valid shortcut in Windows command prompt so direct path to users home directory should be used instead C:\> mkdir C:\Users\{user}\.PyU4V where {user} is the current user.


If PyU4V.conf is present in both the current working directory and the current user’s home directory, the version of PyU4V.conf in the current working directory will take precedence. See the section below on PyU4V settings precedence.

Edit PyU4V configuration settings in PyU4V.conf under the [setup] heading, these setting will need to reflect your environment configuration:






Unisphere REST login username


Unisphere REST login password


Unisphere server IP address


Unisphere server port number


12 digit array serial number


True - Load SSL cert from CA certificate bundle
/path/to/file - Load SSL cert from file location
False - Disable SSL verification

Alternative PyU4V.conf Load Using U4VConn().file_path

It is also possible to override PyU4V.conf in both the working directory and home directory by specifying univmax_conn.file_path='/path/to/PyU4V.conf' before initialising PyU4V.

import PyU4V

PyU4V.univmax_conn.file_path = '~/path/to/PyU4V.conf'
# Instantiate U4VConn() using the PyU4V config file specified in file_path
conn = U4VConn()

If you specify a file_path whilst having a copy of PyU4V.conf in both your working directory and home directory in ~/.PyU4V, the instance of PyU4V.conf as specified in file_path will take precedence. See the section below on PyU4V settings precedence.

Passing Environment Configuration to U4VConn() on Initialisation

Instead of specifying PyU4V configuration options within PyU4V.conf it is possible to pass these values directly to U4VConn() on initialisation. The key/values expected are the same as those specified in PyU4V.conf.

>>> import PyU4V
>>> conn = U4VConn(
        username='pyu4v-user', password='secret-pass',
        server_ip='', port='8443', verify=True,
>>> conn.common.get_unisphere_version()
{'version': 'V9.1.0.5'}

If you pass configuration into U4VConn() directly in the code, these settings will override any that are defined in PyU4V.conf at any location.

PyU4V Configuration Loading Precedence

There are a number of ways to initialise PyU4V with your environment settings through PyU4V.conf or passing the values directly. These various methods of setting PyU4V environment configuration have a load precedence, these are listed in order with number 1 being the first load precedent:

  1. Configuration key/values passed directly to U4VConn()

  2. PyU4V.conf as specified in univmax_conn.file_path

  3. PyU4V.conf in current working directory

  4. PyU4V.conf in current users home directory

  5. If none of the above or missing mandatory options raise MissingConfigurationException

PyU4V Logger Configuration

Logger options in PyU4V have been streamlined since the previous 3.1.x version, all options are now consolidated to save on duplicate options being presented. All logger configuration options in PyU4V.conf can be found under the comment ; log configuration in the sections [loggers*], [handlers*], and [formatters*]. There are a number of configuration options which you can change to suit your needs, the most relevant of those for the installation and configuration process are outlined in the table below.


Config Option




Sets the PyU4V log level, this
defaults to INFO but can be
changed to any logger LOG level



Control how log messages are
output to console


args=('PyU4V.log', 'a',
10485760, 10)
Control how log messages are
written to log files and where
the log file is located


format=%(asctime)s - %(name)s
- %(levelname)s - %(message)s
Set the format for the log
prefix output in PyU4V.log


PyU4V log functionality is run on top of Python’s great inbuilt logger. If you require in depth descriptions of the PyU4V logger configuration options, the logger sections, or input arguments for the handlers, please see the official Python Logger documentation here.