Contribute to PyU4V

Please do! Create a fork of the project into your own repository. Make all your necessary changes and create a pull request with a description on what was added or removed and details explaining the changes in lines of code.

The following tests must all run cleanly:

$ cd PyU4V
$ tox -e py36
$ tox -e py37
$ tox -e py38
$ tox -e py39
$ tox -e pep8
$ tox -e pylint


If you do not have all the versions of Python installed, just run tox on the versions you have.

Once the above tests all run clean and a pull request has been opened, PyU4V core reviewers will review the code to ensure it conforms to all conventions outlined in the section below. If the code looks good we will run CI on it internally to ensure that it does not break any current functionality. If all the tests run cleanly and two approvals from core reviewers is achieved we will merge it to PyU4V in the target branch.


For neatness and readability we will enforce the following conventions going forward on all code in PyU4V.

  1. Single quotes ' unless double quotes " necessary.

  2. Use .format() for string concatenation.

my_string = '{variable1}, thanks for contributing to {variable2}'.format(
    variable1='Hello', variable2='PyU4V')

3. Use the following format for doc strings, the return description uses :returns: instead of the docstring default :return:. Pep8 will guide you with all the docstring conventions.

def my_test_func(input_1, input_2):
    """The is my summary of the method with full stop.

    This is a brief description of what the method does.  Keep
    it as simple as possible.

    :param input_1: brief description of input parameter 1, if it goes over
                    one line it must be indented with the start of the
                    previous lines -- str
    :param input_2: brief description of input parameter 2, you must also
                    provide the input parameter type after the description
                    after double dash -- int
    :returns: what gets returned from method, omit if none, type must also
              be specified, in this case it is a boolean -- bool
    :raises: Exceptions raised, omit if none
    return True if input_1 or input_2 else raise Exception
  1. Class names are mixed case with no underscores _.

class ClassFunctions(object):
    """Collection of functions ClassFunctions."""

6. Public Methods are separated by underscores _. Make the name as meaningful as possible.

def public_function_does_exactly_what_it_says_it_does(self):
    """Function does exactly what it says on the tin."""

7. Private Methods are prefixed and separated by underscores _. Make the name as meaningful as possible.

def _private_function_does_exactly_what_it_says_it_does(self):
    """Function does exactly what it says on the tin."""

8. If functions seems to big or too complicated then consider breaking them into smaller functions.

9. If a line of code must extend over more than one line, use parenthesis () around the code instead of \ at the end of the line.

my_multi_line_string = ('This is an example of a string '
                        'that extends over more than one line.')

my_multi_line_function = (
  1. Each new function must be unit tested.

  2. Each bug fix must be unit tested.

  3. Unix and OS X format only. If in doubt run

$ sudo apt-get install dos2unix
$ dos2unix myfile.txt

or in PyCharm:

File -> Line Separators -> LF- Unix and OS X (\n)