Source code for PyU4V.migration

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import logging

from PyU4V.common import CommonFunctions
from PyU4V.utils import constants

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Resource constants

[docs] class MigrationFunctions(object): """MigrationFunctions.""" def __init__(self, array_id, rest_client): """__init__.""" self.common = CommonFunctions(rest_client) self.array_id = array_id self.get_resource = self.common.get_resource self.create_resource = self.common.create_resource self.modify_resource = self.common.modify_resource self.delete_resource = self.common.delete_resource
[docs] def get_migration_info(self, array_id=None): """Return migration information for an array. :returns: migration info -- dict """ array_id = array_id if array_id else self.array_id return self.get_resource( category=MIGRATION, resource_level=SYMMETRIX, resource_level_id=array_id)
[docs] def create_migration_environment(self, target_array_id): """Create a new migration environment between two arrays. Creates a new migration environment between two arrays for use with non disruptive migrations :param target_array_id: target array id -- str :returns: migration environment info -- dict """ return self.create_resource( category=MIGRATION, resource_level=SYMMETRIX, resource_level_id=self.array_id, payload={'otherArrayId': target_array_id})
[docs] def delete_migration_environment(self, target_array_id): """Delete migration environment. Given a target array will delete migration environment, used once all migrations are complete :param target_array_id: target array id -- str """ self.delete_resource( category=MIGRATION, resource_level=SYMMETRIX, resource_level_id=self.array_id, resource_type=ENVIRONMENT, resource_type_id=target_array_id)
[docs] def get_array_migration_capabilities(self, array_id=None): """Check what migration facilities are available. :returns: array capabilities -- dict """ array_id = array_id if array_id else self.array_id capabilities = self.get_resource( category=MIGRATION, resource_level=CAPABILITIES, resource_type=SYMMETRIX) symm_list = ( capabilities.get( 'storageArrayCapability', list()) if capabilities else list()) array_capabilities = dict() for symm in symm_list: if symm['arrayId'] == array_id: array_capabilities = symm break return array_capabilities
# Environment endpoints
[docs] def get_environment_list(self): """Get list of all migration environments. :returns: environments -- list """ response = self.get_resource( category=MIGRATION, resource_level=SYMMETRIX, resource_level_id=self.array_id, resource_type=ENVIRONMENT) return response.get('arrayId', list()) if response else list()
[docs] def get_environment(self, target_array_id): """Given a name, return migration environment details. :param target_array_id: target array id -- str :returns: environment details -- dict """ return self.get_resource( category=MIGRATION, resource_level=SYMMETRIX, resource_level_id=self.array_id, resource_type=ENVIRONMENT, resource_type_id=target_array_id)
[docs] def get_storage_group_list(self, include_migrations=False): """Get list of all storage groups or migrating storage groups. :param include_migrations: return only SGs with migration sessions -- bool :returns: storage groups or migrating storage groups -- list """ response = self.get_resource( category=MIGRATION, resource_level=SYMMETRIX, resource_level_id=self.array_id, resource_type=STORAGEGROUP) return response.get('migratingName') if include_migrations else ( response.get('name'))
[docs] def get_storage_groups(self): """Get all storage groups and migrating storage groups. :returns: storage groups and migrating storage groups -- dict """ response = self.get_resource( category=MIGRATION, resource_level=SYMMETRIX, resource_level_id=self.array_id, resource_type=STORAGEGROUP) return response
[docs] def get_storage_group(self, storage_group_name): """Given a name, return storage group migrations details. :param storage_group_name: storage group id -- str :returns: storage group details -- dict """ return self.get_resource( category=MIGRATION, resource_level=SYMMETRIX, resource_level_id=self.array_id, resource_type=STORAGEGROUP, resource_type_id=storage_group_name)
[docs] def create_storage_group_migration( self, storage_group_name, target_array_id, srp_id=None, port_group_id=None, no_compression=False, pre_copy=False, validate=False): """Create a migration session for a storage group. :param storage_group_name: storage group id -- str :param target_array_id: target array id -- str :param srp_id: storage resource pool id -- str :param port_group_id: port group id -- str :param no_compression: dont use compression -- bool :param pre_copy: use pre copy -- bool :param validate: validate -- bool :returns: new storage group -- dict """ payload = {'otherArrayId': target_array_id} if srp_id: payload.update({'srpId': srp_id}) if port_group_id: payload.update({'portGroupId': port_group_id}) if no_compression: payload.update({'noCompression': no_compression}) if pre_copy: payload.update({'preCopy': pre_copy}) if validate: payload.update({'validate': validate}) return self.create_resource( category=MIGRATION, resource_level=SYMMETRIX, resource_level_id=self.array_id, resource_type=STORAGEGROUP, resource_type_id=storage_group_name, payload=payload)
[docs] def modify_storage_group_migration( self, storage_group_name, action, options=None, _async=False): """Modify the state of a storage group's migration session. Valid migrations options are 'Cutover', 'Sync', 'Commit', 'Recover', and 'ReadyTgt'. :param storage_group_name: storage group id -- str :param action: migration action -- str :param options: migration options, example: {cutover': {'force': True}} -- dict :param _async: if call should be async -- bool :returns: modified storage group info -- dict """ payload = {'action': action} if options: payload.update(options) if _async: payload.update(ASYNC_UPDATE) return self.modify_resource( category=MIGRATION, resource_level=SYMMETRIX, resource_level_id=self.array_id, resource_type=STORAGEGROUP, resource_type_id=storage_group_name, payload=payload)
[docs] def delete_storage_group_migration(self, storage_group_name): """Given a name, delete the storage group migration session. :param storage_group_name: storage group id -- str """ self.delete_resource( category=MIGRATION, resource_level=SYMMETRIX, resource_level_id=self.array_id, resource_type=STORAGEGROUP, resource_type_id=storage_group_name)