Source code for PyU4V.replication

# Copyright (c) 2020 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import logging

from PyU4V.common import CommonFunctions
from PyU4V.provisioning import ProvisioningFunctions
from PyU4V.utils import constants
from PyU4V.utils import exception

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Replication constants
RESUME = constants.RESUME
SPLIT = constants.SPLIT
SWAP = constants.SWAP
SNAP_ID = constants.SNAP_ID

# Resource constants
RDFG = constants.RDFG
VOLUME = constants.VOLUME
PORT = constants.PORT

[docs] class ReplicationFunctions(object): """ReplicationFunctions.""" def __init__(self, array_id, rest_client): """__init__.""" self.provisioning = ProvisioningFunctions(array_id, rest_client) self.common = CommonFunctions(rest_client) self.get_resource = self.common.get_resource self.create_resource = self.common.create_resource self.modify_resource = self.common.modify_resource self.delete_resource = self.common.delete_resource self.array_id = array_id self.version = constants.UNISPHERE_VERSION
[docs] def get_replication_info(self): """Return replication information for an array. :returns: replication details -- dict """ return self.get_resource( category=REPLICATION, resource_level=SYMMETRIX, resource_level_id=self.array_id)
[docs] def get_array_replication_capabilities(self, array_id=None): """Check what replication facilities are available. :returns: replication capability details -- dict """ array_id = array_id if array_id else self.array_id capabilities = self.get_resource( category=REPLICATION, resource_level=CAPABILITIES, resource_type=SYMMETRIX) symm_list = capabilities.get( 'symmetrixCapability', list()) if capabilities else list() array_capabilities = dict() for symm in symm_list: if symm['symmetrixId'] == array_id: array_capabilities = symm break return array_capabilities
[docs] def is_snapvx_licensed(self): """Check if the snapVx feature is licensed and enabled. :returns: bool """ snap_capability = False capabilities = self.get_array_replication_capabilities() if capabilities: snap_capability = capabilities.get('snapVxCapable', False) else: LOG.error('Cannot access replication capabilities ' 'for array {arr}'.format(arr=self.array_id)) return snap_capability
[docs] def get_storage_group_replication_details( self, storage_group_id, return_remote_sg_info=False, exclude_sl_snaps=False, exclude_manual_snaps=False): """Given a storage group id, return storage group srdf info and snapshot information. :param storage_group_id: storage group id -- str :param return_remote_sg_info: returns additional information for keys remote_storage_groups -- bool :param exclude_sl_snaps: excludes details of any service level snaps from the return -- bool :param exclude_manual_snaps: excludes details of any manual snaps from the return -- bool :returns: storage group replication details -- dict """ filters = { 'include_remote_sgs': return_remote_sg_info, 'exclude_sl_snaps': exclude_sl_snaps, 'exclude_manual_snaps': exclude_manual_snaps } return self.get_resource( category=REPLICATION, resource_level=SYMMETRIX, resource_level_id=self.array_id, resource_type=STORAGEGROUP, resource_type_id=storage_group_id, params=filters)
[docs] def get_replication_enabled_storage_groups( self, array_id=None, has_srdf=None, has_snapshots=None, has_cloud_snapshots=None, is_link_target=None, has_snap_policies=None, has_clones=None): """Return list of storage groups with replication. :param has_snapshots: return only storage groups with snapshots :param has_srdf: return only storage groups with SRDF :param has_cloud_snapshots: Value that filters returned list to display Storage Groups that have Cloud Snapshots -- bool :param is_link_target: Value that filters returned list to display Storage Groups that are Link Targets -- bool :param has_snap_policies: Value that filters returned list to display Storage Groups that have Snapshot Policies -- bool :param has_clones: Value that filters returned list to display Storage Groups that have Clones -- bool :returns: list of storage groups with associated replication """ array_id = array_id if array_id else self.array_id query_params = {'hasSrdf': has_srdf, 'hasSnapshots': has_snapshots, 'hasCloudSnapshots': has_cloud_snapshots, 'is_link_target': is_link_target, 'has_snap_policies': has_snap_policies, 'has_clones': has_clones} response = self.common.get_request( target_uri=f"/{self.version}/replication/symmetrix/{array_id}/" f"storagegroup", resource_type=None, params=query_params) storage_group_list = ( response.get('name', list()) if response else list()) return storage_group_list
[docs] def get_storage_group_snapshot_list(self, storage_group_id): """Get a list of snapshots associated with a storage group. :param storage_group_id: storage group id -- str :returns: snapshot ids -- list """ try: response = self.get_resource( category=REPLICATION, resource_level=SYMMETRIX, resource_level_id=self.array_id, resource_type=STORAGEGROUP, resource_type_id=storage_group_id, resource=SNAPSHOT) except exception.ResourceNotFoundException: return list() return response.get('name', list()) if response else list()
[docs] def create_storage_group_snapshot( self, storage_group_id, snap_name, ttl=None, hours=False, secure=False, bothsides=False): """Create a snapVx snapshot of a storage group. To establish a new generation of an existing SnapVX snapshot for a source SG, use the same name as the existing snapshot for the new snapshot. :param storage_group_id: source storage group id -- str :param snap_name: snapshot name -- str :param ttl: Time To Live -- str :param hours: if TTL is in hours instead of days -- bool :param secure: sets secure snapshot, snapshot created with secure option can not be deleted before ttl expires -- bool :param bothsides: if both sides should be snapshotted -- bool :returns: snapshot details -- dict """ payload = {'snapshotName': snap_name} if ttl: if secure: payload.update({'secure': ttl}) else: payload.update({'timeToLive': ttl}) if hours: payload.update({'timeInHours': 'True'}) if bothsides: payload.update({'bothSides': 'True'}) return self.create_resource( category=REPLICATION, resource_level=SYMMETRIX, resource_level_id=self.array_id, resource_type=STORAGEGROUP, resource_type_id=storage_group_id, resource=SNAPSHOT, payload=payload)
[docs] def get_storage_group_snapshot_generation_list( self, storage_group_id, snap_name): """Get a snapshot and its generation count information for an sg. This is for arrays with microcode less than 5978.669.669. Please use get_storage_group_snapshot_snap_id_list for microcode greater than 5978.669.669. The most recent snapshot will have a gen number of 0. The oldest snapshot will have a gen number = genCount - 1 (i.e. if there are 4 generations of particular snapshot, the oldest will have a gen num of 3). :param storage_group_id: name of the storage group -- str :param snap_name: the name of the snapshot -- str :returns: generation numbers -- list """ response = self.get_resource( category=REPLICATION, resource_level=SYMMETRIX, resource_level_id=self.array_id, resource_type=STORAGEGROUP, resource_type_id=storage_group_id, resource=SNAPSHOT, resource_id=snap_name, object_type=GENERATION) return response.get('generations', list()) if response else list()
[docs] def get_storage_group_snapshot_snap_id_list( self, storage_group_id, snap_name): """Get a snapshot and its snap id information for an sg. Each snapid is unique. These have replaced generations starting at U4P9.2. Snap ids are only available on microcode 5978.669.669 and greater. :param storage_group_id: name of the storage group -- str :param snap_name: the name of the snapshot -- str :returns: snapids -- list """ response = self.get_resource( category=REPLICATION, resource_level=SYMMETRIX, resource_level_id=self.array_id, resource_type=STORAGEGROUP, resource_type_id=storage_group_id, resource=SNAPSHOT, resource_id=snap_name, object_type=SNAP_ID) return response.get('snapids', list()) if response else list()
[docs] def get_snapshot_generation_details(self, sg_id, snap_name, gen_num): """Get the details for a particular snapshot generation. This is for arrays with microcode less than 5978.669.669. Please use get_snapshot_snap_id_details for microcode greater than 5978.669.669. :param sg_id: storage group id -- str :param snap_name: snapshot name -- str :param gen_num: generation number -- int :returns: snapshot generation details -- dict """ return self.get_resource( category=REPLICATION, resource_level=SYMMETRIX, resource_level_id=self.array_id, resource_type=STORAGEGROUP, resource_type_id=sg_id, resource=SNAPSHOT, resource_id=snap_name, object_type=GENERATION, object_type_id=str(gen_num))
[docs] def get_snapshot_snap_id_details(self, sg_id, snap_name, snap_id): """Get the details for a particular snapshot snap_id. Snap ids are only available on microcode 5978.669.669 and greater. :param sg_id: storage group id -- str :param snap_name: snapshot name -- str :param snap_id: unique snap id -- int :returns: snapshot snap id details -- dict """ return self.get_resource( category=REPLICATION, resource_level=SYMMETRIX, resource_level_id=self.array_id, resource_type=STORAGEGROUP, resource_type_id=sg_id, resource=SNAPSHOT, resource_id=snap_name, object_type=SNAP_ID, object_type_id=snap_id)
[docs] def find_expired_snapvx_snapshots(self): """Find all expired snapvx snapshots. This is for arrays with microcode less than 5978.669.669. Please use find_expired_snapvx_snapshots_by_snap_ids for microcode greater than 5978.669.669. Parses through all Snapshots for array and lists those that have snapshots where the expiration date has passed however snapshots have not been deleted as they have links. :returns: expired snapshot details -- list """ expired_snap_list = list() sg_list = self.get_replication_enabled_storage_groups( has_snapshots=True) for sg in sg_list: snap_list = self.get_storage_group_replication_details(sg) for snapshot_name in snap_list['snapVXSnapshots']: snap_gen_list = ( self.get_storage_group_snapshot_generation_list( sg, snapshot_name)) for x in snap_gen_list: snap_details = self.get_snapshot_generation_details( sg, snapshot_name, x) expired = snap_details.get( 'isExpired') if snap_details.get( 'isExpired') else snap_details.get('expired') if expired: snap_creation_time = snap_details.get('timestamp') for linked_sg in snap_details.get( 'linkedStorageGroup', list()): linked_sg_name = linked_sg['name'] LOG.debug( 'Storage group {sg} has expired snapshot. ' 'Snapshot name {ss}, Generation Number {gen}, ' 'linked storage group name is {sg_l}'.format( sg=sg, ss=snapshot_name, gen=x, sg_l=linked_sg_name)) expired_snap_details = ({ 'storagegroup_name': sg, 'snapshot_name': snapshot_name, 'generation_number': x, 'linked_sg_name': linked_sg_name, 'snap_creation_time': snap_creation_time}) expired_snap_list.append(expired_snap_details) return expired_snap_list
[docs] def find_expired_snapvx_snapshots_by_snap_ids(self): """Find all expired snapvx snapshots using snap id. Snap ids are only available on microcode 5978.669.669 and greater. Parses through all Snapshots for array and lists those that have snapshots where the expiration date has passed however snapshots have not been deleted as they have links. :returns: expired snapshot details -- list """ expired_snap_list = list() sg_list = self.get_replication_enabled_storage_groups( has_snapshots=True) for sg in sg_list: sg_snap_info = self.get_storage_group_replication_details(sg) if not sg_snap_info.get('snapVXSnapshots'): continue for snapshot_name in sg_snap_info.get('snapVXSnapshots'): snap_id_list = ( self.get_storage_group_snapshot_snap_id_list( sg, snapshot_name)) for x in snap_id_list: snap_details = self.get_snapshot_snap_id_details( sg, snapshot_name, x) expired = snap_details.get( 'isExpired') if snap_details.get( 'isExpired') else snap_details.get('expired') if expired: snap_creation_time = snap_details.get('timestamp') for linked_sg in snap_details.get( 'linked_storage_group', list()): linked_sg_name = linked_sg['name'] LOG.debug( 'Storage group {sg} has expired snapshot. ' 'Snapshot name {ss}, Snap Id {snap_id}, ' 'linked storage group name is {sg_l}'.format( sg=sg, ss=snapshot_name, snap_id=x, sg_l=linked_sg_name)) expired_snap_details = ({ 'storagegroup_name': sg, 'snapshot_name': snapshot_name, 'snap_id': x, 'linked_sg_name': linked_sg_name, 'snap_creation_time': snap_creation_time}) expired_snap_list.append(expired_snap_details) return expired_snap_list
[docs] def modify_storage_group_snapshot( self, src_storage_grp_id, tgt_storage_grp_id, snap_name, link=False, unlink=False, restore=False, new_name=None, gen_num=0, _async=False, relink=False): """Modify a storage group snapshot. This is for arrays with microcode less than 5978.669.669. Please use modify_storage_group_snapshot_by_snap_id for microcode greater than 5978.669.669. Please note that only one parameter can be modified at a time. Default action is not to create full copy. :param src_storage_grp_id: name of the storage group -- str :param tgt_storage_grp_id: target sg id (Can be None) -- str :param snap_name: snapshot name -- str :param link: link action required -- bool :param unlink: unlink action required -- bool :param restore: restore action required -- bool :param new_name: new name for the snapshot -- str :param gen_num: generation number -- int :param _async: if call should be async -- bool :param relink: relink action required -- bool :returns: modified storage group snapshot details -- dict """ payload = dict() if link: payload = ({'action': 'Link', 'link': { 'linkStorageGroupName': tgt_storage_grp_id, 'copy': False}}) elif unlink: payload = ({'action': 'Unlink', 'unlink': { 'unlinkStorageGroupName': tgt_storage_grp_id}}) elif restore: payload = {'action': 'Restore'} elif new_name: payload = ({'rename': {'newSnapshotName': new_name}, 'action': 'Rename'}) elif relink: payload = ({'action': 'Relink', 'relink': { 'relinkStorageGroupName': tgt_storage_grp_id}}) if _async: payload.update(ASYNC_UPDATE) return self.modify_resource( category=REPLICATION, resource_level=SYMMETRIX, resource_level_id=self.array_id, resource_type=STORAGEGROUP, resource_type_id=src_storage_grp_id, resource=SNAPSHOT, resource_id=snap_name, object_type=GENERATION, object_type_id=str(gen_num), payload=payload)
[docs] def modify_storage_group_snapshot_by_snap_id( self, src_storage_grp_id, tgt_storage_grp_id, snap_name, snap_id, link=False, unlink=False, restore=False, new_name=None, _async=False, relink=False, remote=False, force=False): """Modify a storage group snapshot using it's snap id. Snap ids are only available on microcode 5978.669.669 and greater. Please note that only one parameter can be modified at a time. Default action is not to create full copy :param src_storage_grp_id: name of the storage group -- str :param tgt_storage_grp_id: target sg id (Can be None) -- str :param snap_name: snapshot name -- str :param snap_id: snap id -- int :param link: link action required -- bool :param unlink: unlink action required -- bool :param restore: restore action required -- bool :param new_name: new name for the snapshot -- str :param _async: if call should be async -- bool :param relink: relink action required -- bool :param remote: used when linking/relinking to established R1 Storage group,using this feature acknowledges that the data from snapshot will be transmitted to R2 site,removes the need to suspend/establish SRDF as part of link operation.Caution should be applied -- bool :param force: forces operation to succeed that would normally fail.Example terminate snapshots in SG where devices have been added,using symforce will bypass the device count check.Should be used with caution. -- bool :returns: modified storage group snapshot details -- dict """ payload = dict() if link: payload = ({'action': 'Link', 'link': { 'storage_group_name': tgt_storage_grp_id, 'remote': remote, 'force': force, 'copy': False}}) elif unlink: payload = ({'action': 'Unlink', 'unlink': { 'storage_group_name': tgt_storage_grp_id, 'force': force}}) elif restore: payload = {'action': 'Restore'} elif new_name: payload = ({'rename': {'new_snapshot_name': new_name}, 'action': 'Rename'}) elif relink: payload = ({'action': 'Relink', 'relink': { 'storage_group_name': tgt_storage_grp_id, 'remote': remote, 'force': force}}) if _async: payload.update(ASYNC_UPDATE) return self.modify_resource( category=REPLICATION, resource_level=SYMMETRIX, resource_level_id=self.array_id, resource_type=STORAGEGROUP, resource_type_id=src_storage_grp_id, resource=SNAPSHOT, resource_id=snap_name, object_type=SNAP_ID, object_type_id=snap_id, payload=payload)
[docs] def restore_snapshot(self, sg_id, snap_name, gen_num=0): """Restore a storage group to its snapshot. This is for arrays with microcode less than 5978.669.669. Please use restore_snapshot_by_snap_id for microcode greater than 5978.669.669. :param sg_id: storage group id -- str :param snap_name: snapshot name -- str :param gen_num: snapshot generation number -- int :returns: snapshot details -- dict """ return self.modify_storage_group_snapshot( sg_id, None, snap_name, restore=True, gen_num=gen_num)
[docs] def restore_snapshot_by_snap_id(self, sg_id, snap_name, snap_id): """Restore a storage group to its snapshot using it's snap id. Snap ids are only available on microcode 5978.669.669 and greater. :param sg_id: storage group id -- str :param snap_name: snapshot name -- str :param snap_id: snapshot snap id -- int :returns: snapshot details -- dict """ return self.modify_storage_group_snapshot_by_snap_id( sg_id, None, snap_name, snap_id, restore=True)
[docs] def rename_snapshot(self, sg_id, snap_name, new_name, gen_num=0): """Rename an existing storage group snapshot. This is for arrays with microcode less than 5978.669.669. Please use rename_snapshot_by_snap_id for microcode greater than 5978.669.669. :param sg_id: storage group id -- str :param snap_name: snapshot name -- str :param new_name: new snapshot name -- str :param gen_num: snapshot generation number -- int :returns: snapshot details -- dict """ return self.modify_storage_group_snapshot( sg_id, None, snap_name, new_name=new_name, gen_num=gen_num)
[docs] def rename_snapshot_by_snap_id(self, sg_id, snap_name, new_name, snap_id): """Rename an existing storage group snapshot using it's snap id. Snap ids are only available on microcode 5978.669.669 and greater. :param sg_id: storage group id -- str :param snap_name: snapshot name -- str :param new_name: new snapshot name -- str :param snap_id: snapshot snap id -- int :returns: snapshot details -- dict """ return self.modify_storage_group_snapshot_by_snap_id( sg_id, None, snap_name, snap_id, new_name=new_name)
[docs] def delete_storage_group_snapshot(self, storage_group_id, snap_name, gen=0): """Delete the snapshot of a storage group. This is for arrays with microcode less than 5978.669.669. Please use delete_storage_group_snapshot_by_snap_id for microcode greater than 5978.669.669. :param storage_group_id: storage group id -- str :param snap_name: snapshot name -- str :param gen: snapshot generation number -- int """ self.delete_resource( category=REPLICATION, resource_level=SYMMETRIX, resource_level_id=self.array_id, resource_type=STORAGEGROUP, resource_type_id=storage_group_id, resource=SNAPSHOT, resource_id=snap_name, object_type=GENERATION, object_type_id=str(gen))
[docs] def delete_storage_group_snapshot_by_snap_id( self, storage_group_id, snap_name, snap_id, force=False, array_id=None, symforce=False): """Delete the snapshot of a storage group using the snap id. Snap ids are only available on microcode 5978.669.669 and greater. :param storage_group_id: storage group id -- str :param snap_name: snapshot name -- str :param snap_id: snapshot snap id -- int :param force: sets force flag -- bool :param array_id: 12 digit array id -- int :param symforce: sets symforce flag -- bool :returns: dict """ params = {} if force: params.update({'force': force}) if force: params.update({'symforce': symforce}) array_id = self.array_id if not array_id else array_id self.delete_resource( target_uri=f'/{self.version}/replication/symmetrix' f'/{array_id}/storagegroup/' f'{storage_group_id}/snapshot/{snap_name}/' f'snapid/{snap_id}', params=params)
[docs] def bulk_terminate_snapshots( self, storage_group_id, snap_name, keep_count=None, terminate_all_snapshots=False, snapset_id_and_older=None, force=False, array_id=None): """Terminate Multiple snapshots in a bulk operation. :param storage_group_id: Name of the storage group with snapshots --str :param snap_name: optional name of snapshot to be terminated -- str :param terminate_all_snapshots: Value that terminates all snapshots -- bool :param keep_count: Value that terminates a number of snapshots so that there is only the specified number of most recent snapshots retained -- int :param snapset_id_and_older: Value that terminates all snapshots with the snapset id or older --str :param force: Value that sets the force flag -- bool :param array_id: 12 digit array id -- int """ params = { 'terminate_all_snapshots': terminate_all_snapshots, 'snapshot_name': snap_name } if force: params.update({'force': force}) if keep_count: params.update({'keep_count': keep_count}) if snapset_id_and_older: params.update({'snapset_id_and_older': snapset_id_and_older}) array_id = array_id if array_id else self.array_id self.common.delete_resource( target_uri=f'/{self.version}/replication/symmetrix/' f'{array_id}/storagegroup/{storage_group_id}/snapshot', params=params)
[docs] def is_volume_in_replication_session(self, device_id): """Check if a volume is in a replication session. NOTE: There may be a time delay between the snapshot creation and the object model update. See the following test for usage: tests.ci_tests.test_pyu4v_ci_replication.CITestReplication. test_is_volume_in_replication_session :param device_id: device id -- str :returns: snap vx target, snap vx source, rdf group -- bool, bool, list """ snapvx_src, snapvx_tgt, rdf_grp = False, False, None volume_details = self.provisioning.get_volume(device_id) if volume_details: LOG.debug('Vol details: {vol}'.format(vol=volume_details)) if volume_details.get('snapvx_target'): snapvx_tgt = volume_details['snapvx_target'] if volume_details.get('snapvx_source'): snapvx_src = volume_details['snapvx_source'] if volume_details.get('rdfGroupId'): rdf_grp = volume_details['rdfGroupId'] return snapvx_tgt, snapvx_src, rdf_grp
[docs] def get_rdf_group(self, rdf_number, array_id=None): """Get specific rdf group details. :param rdf_number: rdf group number -- int :param array_id: array serial number -- str :returns: rdf group details -- dict """ array_id = self.array_id if not array_id else array_id return self.get_resource( category=REPLICATION, resource_level=SYMMETRIX, resource_level_id=array_id, resource_type=RDFG, resource_type_id=rdf_number)
[docs] def get_rdf_group_list(self, array_id=None, remote_symmetrix_id=None, rdf_mode=None, volume_count=None, group_type=None): """Get rdf group list from array. :param array_id: local array serial number -- str :param remote_symmetrix_id: Optional value that filters returned list to display only SRDF Groups between the local array and specified remote array, 12 Digit array_id e.g. 000297900330 -- str :param rdf_mode: Optional value that filters returned list to display only SRDF Groups of a specified RDF mode, Synchronous, Asynchronous, Active, or AdaptiveCopy -- str :param volume_count: Optional value that filters returned list to display only SRDF Groups that have a specified volume count -- int :param group_type: Optional value that filters returned list to display only SRDF Groups of a specified group type valid options are Witness, Global_Mirror, Data_Migration, VVOL_ASYNC, MetroDR_Metro, MetroDR_DR, Metro, Star_Normal, Star_Recovery, Sqar_Normal, Sqar_Recovery, PPRC, FILE_SYNC, FILE_ASYNC, Dynamic -- str :returns: rdf group list -- list """ filters = {'remote_symmetrix_id': remote_symmetrix_id, 'rdf_mode': rdf_mode, 'volume_count': volume_count, 'group_type': group_type} array_id = self.array_id if not array_id else array_id response = self.get_resource( category=REPLICATION, resource_level=SYMMETRIX, resource_level_id=array_id, resource_type=RDFG, params=filters) return response.get('rdfGroupID', list()) if response else list()
[docs] def get_rdf_group_volume(self, rdf_number, device_id): """Get specific volume details, from an RDF group. :param rdf_number: rdf group number -- int :param device_id: device id -- str :returns: rdf group volume details -- dict """ return self.get_resource( category=REPLICATION, resource_level=SYMMETRIX, resource_level_id=self.array_id, resource_type=RDFG, resource_type_id=rdf_number, resource=VOLUME, resource_id=device_id)
[docs] def get_rdf_group_volume_list(self, rdf_number): """Get specific volume details, from an RDF group. :param rdf_number: rdf group number -- int :returns: device ids -- list """ response = self.get_resource( category=REPLICATION, resource_level=SYMMETRIX, resource_level_id=self.array_id, resource_type=RDFG, resource_type_id=rdf_number, resource=VOLUME) return response.get('name', list()) if response else list()
[docs] def are_volumes_rdf_paired(self, remote_array, device_id, target_device, rdf_group): """Check if a pair of volumes are RDF paired. :param remote_array: remote array serial number -- str :param device_id: device id -- str :param target_device: target device id -- str :param rdf_group: rdf group number -- int :returns: paired, state -- bool, string """ paired, local_vol_state, rdf_pair_state = False, '', '' volume = self.get_rdf_group_volume(rdf_group, device_id) if volume: remote_volume = volume['remoteVolumeName'] remote_symm = volume['remoteSymmetrixId'] if (remote_volume == target_device and ( remote_array == remote_symm)): paired = True local_vol_state = volume['localVolumeState'] rdf_pair_state = volume['rdfpairState'] else: LOG.warning('Cannot find source RDF volume {vol}.'.format( vol=device_id)) return paired, local_vol_state, rdf_pair_state
[docs] def get_rdf_group_number(self, rdf_group_label): """Given a group label, return the associated group number. :param rdf_group_label: rdf group label -- str :returns: rdf group number -- int """ number = None rdf_list = self.get_rdf_group_list() if rdf_list: number = ([rdf['rdfgNumber'] for rdf in rdf_list if rdf['label'] == rdf_group_label][0]) if number: rdf_group = self.get_rdf_group(number) if not rdf_group: number = None return number
[docs] def get_storage_group_srdf_group_list(self, storage_group_id, array_id=None): """Get the rdf group numbers for a storage group. :param storage_group_id: replicated storage group id -- str :param array_id: array serial number -- str :returns: rdf group numbers -- list """ array_id = self.array_id if not array_id else array_id response = self.get_resource( category=REPLICATION, resource_level=SYMMETRIX, resource_level_id=array_id, resource_type=STORAGEGROUP, resource_type_id=storage_group_id, resource=RDFG) return response.get('rdfgs', list()) if response else list()
[docs] def get_storage_group_srdf_details(self, storage_group_id, rdfg_num): """Get the details for an rdf group on a particular storage group. :param storage_group_id: replicated storage group id -- str :param rdfg_num: rdf group number -- int :returns: storage group rdf details -- dict """ return self.get_resource( category=REPLICATION, resource_level=SYMMETRIX, resource_level_id=self.array_id, resource_type=STORAGEGROUP, resource_type_id=storage_group_id, resource=RDFG, resource_id=rdfg_num)
[docs] def create_storage_group_srdf_pairings( self, storage_group_id, remote_sid, srdf_mode, establish=None, _async=False, rdfg_number=None, force_new_rdf_group=False): """SRDF protect a storage group. Valid modes are 'Active', 'AdaptiveCopyDisk', 'Synchronous', and 'Asynchronous'. :param storage_group_id: storage group id -- str :param remote_sid: remote array id -- str :param srdf_mode: replication mode -- str :param establish: establish srdf -- bool :param _async: if call should be async -- bool :param rdfg_number: rdf group number -- int :param force_new_rdf_group: if force command should be applied -- bool :returns: storage group rdf details -- dict """ establish_sg = 'True' if establish else 'False' rdf_payload = {'replicationMode': srdf_mode, 'remoteSymmId': remote_sid, 'remoteStorageGroupName': storage_group_id, 'establish': establish_sg} if rdfg_number is not None: rdf_payload['rdfgNumber'] = rdfg_number if force_new_rdf_group: rdf_payload.update({'forceNewRdfGroup': True}) if _async: rdf_payload.update(ASYNC_UPDATE) return self.create_resource( category=REPLICATION, resource_level=SYMMETRIX, resource_level_id=self.array_id, resource_type=STORAGEGROUP, resource_type_id=storage_group_id, resource=RDFG, payload=rdf_payload)
[docs] def modify_storage_group_srdf( self, storage_group_id, action, srdf_group_number, options=None, _async=False): """Modify the state of a rdf group. This may be a long running task depending on the size of the SRDF group, can switch to async call if required. Available actions are 'Establish', 'EnableConsistency', 'DisableConsistency', 'Split', 'Suspend', 'Restore', 'Resume', 'Failover', 'Failback', 'Swap', 'SetBias', and 'SetMode'. :param storage_group_id: storage group id -- str :param action: the rdf action, note enable/disable consistency feature requires Unisphere or higher -- str :param srdf_group_number: srdf group number -- int :param options: srdf options e.g. {setMode': {'mode': 'Asynchronous'}} -- dict :param _async: if call should be async -- bool :returns: storage group rdf details -- dict """ srdf_actions = { 'ESTABLISH': ESTABLISH, 'SPLIT': SPLIT, 'SUSPEND': SUSPEND, 'RESTORE': RESTORE, 'RESUME': RESUME, 'FAILOVER': FAILOVER, 'FAILBACK': FAILBACK, 'SWAP': SWAP, 'SETBIAS': SETBIAS, 'SETMODE': SETMODE, 'DISABLECONSISTENCY': DISABLECONSISTENCY, 'ENABLECONSISTENCY': ENABLECONSISTENCY} srdf_action = srdf_actions.get(action.upper()) if srdf_action: payload = {'action': srdf_action} else: msg = ('SRDF Action must be one of [Establish, Split, Suspend, ' 'Restore, Resume, Failover, Failback, Swap, SetBias, ' 'SetMode]') LOG.exception(msg) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) if _async: payload.update(ASYNC_UPDATE) if options and action: payload.update(options) return self.modify_resource( category=REPLICATION, resource_level=SYMMETRIX, resource_level_id=self.array_id, resource_type=STORAGEGROUP, resource_type_id=storage_group_id, resource=RDFG, resource_id=srdf_group_number, payload=payload)
[docs] def suspend_storage_group_srdf(self, storage_group_id, srdf_group_number, suspend_options=None, _async=False): """Suspend IO on the links for the given storage group. Optional boolean parameters to set are "bypass", "metroBias", "star", "immediate", "hop2", "consExempt", "force", "symForce". :param storage_group_id: storage group id -- str :param srdf_group_number: srdf group number -- int :param suspend_options: suspend parameters -- dict :param _async: if call should be async -- bool :returns: storage group rdf details -- dict """ return self.modify_storage_group_srdf( storage_group_id, 'suspend', srdf_group_number, options=suspend_options, _async=_async)
[docs] def establish_storage_group_srdf( self, storage_group_id, srdf_group_number, establish_options=None, _async=False): """Establish io on the links for the given storage group. Optional boolean parameters to set are 'bypass', 'metroBias', 'star', 'hop2', 'force', 'symForce', 'full'. :param storage_group_id: storage group id -- str :param srdf_group_number: srdf group number -- int :param establish_options: establish parameters -- dict :param _async: if call should be async -- bool :returns: storage group rdf details -- dict """ return self.modify_storage_group_srdf( storage_group_id, 'establish', srdf_group_number, options=establish_options, _async=_async)
[docs] def failover_storage_group_srdf( self, storage_group_id, srdf_group_number, failover_options=None, _async=False): """Failover a given storage group. Optional boolean parameters to set are 'bypass', 'star', 'restore', 'immediate', 'hop2', 'force', 'symForce', 'remote', 'establish'. :param storage_group_id: storage group id -- str :param srdf_group_number: srdf group number -- int :param failover_options: failover parameters -- dict :param _async: if call should be async -- bool :returns: storage group rdf details -- dict """ return self.modify_storage_group_srdf( storage_group_id, 'failover', srdf_group_number, options=failover_options, _async=_async)
[docs] def failback_storage_group_srdf( self, storage_group_id, srdf_group_number, failback_options=None, _async=False): """Failback a given storage group. Optional boolean parameters to set are 'bypass', 'recoverPoint', 'star', 'hop2', 'force', 'symForce', 'remote'. :param storage_group_id: storage group id -- str :param srdf_group_number: srdf group number -- int :param failback_options: failback parameters -- dict :param _async: if call should be async -- bool :returns: storage group rdf details -- dict """ return self.modify_storage_group_srdf( storage_group_id, 'failback', srdf_group_number, options=failback_options, _async=_async)
[docs] def delete_storage_group_srdf( self, storage_group_id, srdf_group_number, filters=None): """Delete srdf pairings for a given storage group. :param storage_group_id: storage group id -- str :param srdf_group_number: srdf group number -- int :param filters: optional boolean filters, half_delete,hop2, force, symforce, star, bypass, keepR1, keepR2, usage example filters={'keepR1': 'true'} -- dict :returns: storage group rdf details -- dict """ if srdf_group_number: self.delete_resource( category=REPLICATION, resource_level=SYMMETRIX, resource_level_id=self.array_id, resource_type=STORAGEGROUP, resource_type_id=storage_group_id, resource=RDFG, resource_id=srdf_group_number, params=filters)
[docs] def get_rdf_director_list(self, array_id=None, filters=None): """Finds out directors configured for SRDF on the specified array. :param array_id: 12 digit serial number for PowerMax array -- str :param filters: optional filters - dict :returns: list of directors -- list """ if not array_id: array_id = self.array_id try: response = self.get_resource( category=REPLICATION, resource_level=SYMMETRIX, resource_level_id=array_id, resource_type=RDF_DIRECTOR, params=filters) except exception.ResourceNotFoundException: return list() director_list = ( response.get('directorId', list()) if response else list()) return director_list
[docs] def get_rdf_director_detail(self, director_id, array_id=None): """Retrieves details for specified RDF_director. :param director_id: identifier for director e.g. RF-1F -- str :param array_id: 12 digit serial number for PowerMax array -- str :returns: director details --dict """ if not array_id: array_id = self.array_id return self.get_resource( category=REPLICATION, resource_level=SYMMETRIX, resource_level_id=array_id, resource_type=RDF_DIRECTOR, resource_type_id=director_id)
[docs] def get_rdf_director_port_list(self, director_id, array_id=None, filters=None): """Retrieves list of ports available on RDF_director. :param director_id: identifier for director e.g. RF-1F -- str :param array_id: 12 digit serial number for PowerMax array -- str :param filters: optional filters -- dict :returns: list of RDF ports -- list """ if not array_id: array_id = self.array_id response = self.get_resource( category=REPLICATION, resource_level=SYMMETRIX, resource_level_id=array_id, resource_type=RDF_DIRECTOR, resource_type_id=director_id, resource=PORT, params=filters) port_list = ( response.get('portNumber', list()) if response else list()) return port_list
[docs] def get_rdf_director_port_details(self, director_id, port_id, array_id=None): """Retrieves details of specified RDF ports. :param director_id: identifier for director e.g. RF-1F -- str :param port_id: port number -- int :param array_id: 12 digit serial number for PowerMax array -- str :returns: port details -- dict """ if not array_id: array_id = self.array_id return self.get_resource( category=REPLICATION, resource_level=SYMMETRIX, resource_level_id=array_id, resource_type=RDF_DIRECTOR, resource_type_id=director_id, resource=PORT, resource_id=port_id)
[docs] def get_rdf_port_remote_connections(self, director_id, port_id, array_id=None): """Performs a scan of the RDF environment via specified port. This function should be run on initial SRDF configuration once zoning or IP routing is configured, prior to first RDF group being configured. :param director_id: identifier for director e.g. RF-1F -- str :param port_id: port number -- int :param array_id: 12 digit serial number for Source -- str :returns: remote port details -- dict """ if not array_id: array_id = self.array_id return self.get_resource( category=REPLICATION, resource_level=SYMMETRIX, resource_level_id=array_id, resource_type=RDF_DIRECTOR, resource_type_id=director_id, resource=PORT, resource_id=port_id, object_type=REMOTE_PORT)
[docs] def create_rdf_group(self, local_director_port_list, remote_array_id, label, local_rdfg_number, remote_rdfg_number, remote_director_port_list, array_id=None): """Create a new RDF group between directors and ports on two PowerMax. If this is the first connection between 2 arrays please ensure that you run get_rdf_remote_port_details and create the initial connection group using only the first source port you can extract details for one or more remote ports for the desired target array and feed into this function. Additional Ports can be added with modify_rdf_group function. :param local_director_port_list: list of local directors and ports for group e.g [RF-1E:1, RF-2E:1] -- list :param remote_array_id: 12 digit serial number of remote array -- str :param label: label for group up to 10 characters -- str :param local_rdfg_number: rdfg for the local array -- int :param remote_rdfg_number: rdfg for the remote array -- int :param remote_director_port_list: list of remote directors and ports to group e.g [RF-1E:1, RF-2E:1] -- list :param array_id: 12 digit serial number of Source (R1) array, if no array is specified the array in config file or api connection will be default -- str """ if not array_id: array_id = self.array_id local_ports = list() remote_ports = list() for port in local_director_port_list: dir_id = port.split(':')[0] port_no = port.split(':')[1] local_ports.append({'symmetrixID': array_id, 'directorId': dir_id, 'portNumber': port_no}) for port in remote_director_port_list: dir_id = port.split(':')[0] port_no = port.split(':')[1] remote_ports.append({'symmetrixID': remote_array_id, 'directorId': dir_id, 'portNumber': port_no}) payload = { 'local_ports': local_ports, 'remote_rdfg_number': remote_rdfg_number, 'remote_ports': remote_ports, 'label': label, 'local_rdfg_number': local_rdfg_number} self.create_resource(category=REPLICATION, resource_level=SYMMETRIX, resource_level_id=array_id, resource_type=RDF_GROUP, payload=payload)
[docs] def modify_rdf_group(self, action, srdf_group_number, array_id=None, port_list=None, label=None, dev_list=None, target_rdf_group=None, consistency_exempt=None): """Function to Modify Ports, devices or change label of RDF group. Function can be used to Add ports, move volumes between rdf groups, remove ports or rename RDF group. :param action: add_ports, remove_ports, move -- str :param srdf_group_number: srdf group number for action on local array: int :param array_id: 12 digit serial of array -- str :param port_list: list of ports to be added or removed e.g. [RF-1E:10, RF-2E:10] --list :param label: label for group up to 10 characters -- str :param dev_list: list of volumes to be moved between RDF groups -- list :param target_rdf_group: rdfg group to move volumes to -- int :param consistency_exempt: ignore device for consistency checks -- bool """ rdfg_action = constants.RDFG_ACTIONS.get(action.upper()) payload = dict() if not rdfg_action: msg = ('RDFG Action must be one [add_ports, remove_ports, move, ' 'set_label]') LOG.exception(msg) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=msg) if not array_id: array_id = self.array_id if rdfg_action == 'Move': if not consistency_exempt: consistency_exempt = False payload = { 'move': { 'targetRdfGroup': target_rdf_group, 'volumesToMove': dev_list, 'exempt': consistency_exempt}, 'action': 'Move'} elif rdfg_action == 'set_label': payload = { "set_label": { "label": label}, "action": "set_label"} elif rdfg_action in ['add_ports', 'remove_ports']: if not port_list: msg = ('list of ports must be supplied when adding or ' 'removing ports from RDFG e.g. [RF-1E:10, RF-2E:10]') LOG.exception(msg) raise exception.InvalidInputException(data=msg) port_payload = list() for port in port_list: dir_id, port_no = port.split(':') port_payload.append( {'symmetrixID': array_id, 'directorId': dir_id, 'portNumber': port_no}) payload = {'action': rdfg_action, rdfg_action: { 'ports': port_payload}} self.modify_resource( category=REPLICATION, resource_level=SYMMETRIX, resource_level_id=array_id, resource_type=RDF_GROUP, resource_type_id=srdf_group_number, payload=payload)
[docs] def delete_rdf_group(self, srdf_group_number, array_id=None): """Function to Delete SRDF groups between VMAX or PowerMax arrays. :param srdf_group_number: number of RDF group to be deleted -- int :param array_id: 12 digit serial of array -- str """ if not array_id: array_id = self.array_id self.delete_resource( category=REPLICATION, resource_level=SYMMETRIX, resource_level_id=array_id, resource_type=RDF_GROUP, resource_type_id=srdf_group_number)
[docs] def create_storage_group_from_rdfg( self, storage_group_name, srdf_group_number, array_id=None, rdf_type=None, remote_storage_group_name=None): """Creates management storage group from all devices in SRDF group. Note SRDF management storage group will be created without a service level, it is assumed that this group is created solely for the purpose of managing SRDF device and replication state, devices in an SRDF group may span multiple applications and storage groups. :param storage_group_name: Name of storage group -- str :param srdf_group_number: number of RDF group volumes are in -- int :param array_id: number of RDF group volumes are in -- int :param rdf_type: The SRDF type of the volumes in the SRDF group to be added to the Storage Group. Only needs to be populated if the SRDF group contains both RDF1 and RDF2 volumes valid values RDF1 or RDF2 -- str :param remote_storage_group_name: Name of remote storage group -- str """ if not array_id: array_id = self.array_id create_sg_payload = { 'rdf_group_number': srdf_group_number} payload = { 'create_sg_from_rdfg': create_sg_payload, 'storage_group_name': storage_group_name, 'action': 'CreateSgFromRdfg'} if rdf_type: create_sg_payload.update({'rdf_type': rdf_type}) if remote_storage_group_name: create_sg_payload.update( {'remote_storage_group_name': remote_storage_group_name}) self.create_resource( category=REPLICATION, resource_level=SYMMETRIX, resource_level_id=array_id, resource_type=STORAGEGROUP, payload=payload)