Source code for PyU4V.rest_requests

# Copyright (c) 2020 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import json
import logging
import platform
import requests
import requests.exceptions as r_exc
import sys
import urllib3

from PyU4V.utils import constants
from PyU4V.utils import exception
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth

__pyu4v_version__ = constants.PYU4V_VERSION
__python_version__ = platform.python_version()
__platform__ = platform.system()
__platform_release__ = platform.release()
ua_details = (
    'PyU4V/{pv} ({platform}; version {release}) Python {python}'.format(
        pv=__pyu4v_version__, platform=__platform__,
        release=__platform_release__, python=__python_version__))

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

ACCEPT = constants.ACCEPT
APP_TYPE = constants.APP_TYPE
APP_JSON = constants.APP_JSON
APP_OCT = constants.APP_OCT

[docs] class RestRequests(object): """RestRequests.""" def __init__(self, username, password, verify, base_url, interval, retries, application_type=None, proxies=None, timeout=None): """__init__.""" self.username = username self.password = password self.verify_ssl = verify self.base_url = base_url self.headers = {CONTENT_TYPE: APP_JSON, ACCEPT: APP_JSON, USER_AGENT: ua_details, APP_TYPE: application_type} # if timeout is not none set self.timeout to timeout # value or set to 120 self.timeout = timeout or 120 self.interval = interval self.proxies = proxies self.retries = retries self.session = self.establish_rest_session()
[docs] def establish_rest_session(self, headers=None): """Establish a REST session. :returns: session -- object """ session = requests.session() session.headers = self.headers if not headers else headers session.auth = HTTPBasicAuth(self.username, self.password) session.verify = self.verify_ssl session.proxies = self.proxies return session
[docs] def rest_request(self, target_url, method, params=None, request_object=None, timeout=None): """Send a request to the target api. Valid methods are 'GET', 'POST', 'PUT', 'DELETE'. :param target_url: target url --str :param method: method -- str :param params: Additional URL parameters -- dict :param request_object: request payload -- dict :param timeout: optional timeout override -- int :returns: server response, status code -- dict, int """ if timeout: timeout_val = timeout else: timeout_val = self.timeout if not self.session: self.session = self.establish_rest_session() url = '{base_url}{target_url}'.format( base_url=self.base_url, target_url=target_url) try: if request_object: response = self.session.request( method=method, url=url, timeout=timeout_val, data=json.dumps(request_object, sort_keys=True, indent=4)) elif params: response = self.session.request(method=method, url=url, params=params, timeout=timeout_val) else: response = self.session.request(method=method, url=url, timeout=timeout_val) status_code = response.status_code try: response = response.json() except ValueError: response = None if not status_code: status_code = None LOG.debug('No response received from API. Status code ' 'received is: {sc}.'.format(sc=status_code)) LOG.debug('{method} request to {url} has returned with a status ' 'code of: {sc}.'.format(method=method, url=url, sc=status_code)) return response, status_code except requests.Timeout as error: LOG.error( 'The {} request to URL {} timed-out, but may have ' 'been successful. Please check Unisphere Server for any ' 'slowness, long-running API calls are a symptom of ' 'Unisphere Server limits being reached. {}. See ' '' '/Getting%20Started/, To ensure ' 'limits are not being exceeded verify the number of ' 'connections and calls in Unisphere for PowerMax under ' 'Support > Management Server Resources or using system ' 'call get_management_server_resources()' ''.format(method, url, error)) return None, None except r_exc.SSLError as error: msg = ( 'The connection to {base} has encountered an SSL error. ' 'Please check your SSL config or supplied SSL cert in Cinder ' 'configuration. SSL Exception message: {m}'.format( base=self.base_url, m=error)) raise r_exc.SSLError(msg) from error except (r_exc.ConnectionError, r_exc.HTTPError) as error: exc_class, __, __ = sys.exc_info() msg = ( 'The {met} to Unisphere server {base} has experienced a {exc} ' 'error. Please check your Unisphere server connection and ' 'availability. Exception message: {msg}'.format( met=method, base=self.base_url, exc=error.__class__.__name__, msg=error)) raise exc_class(msg) from error except Exception as error: exp_message = ( 'The {method} request to URL {url} failed with exception: ' '{e}.'.format(method=method, url=url, e=error)) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException( data=exp_message) from error
[docs] def file_transfer_request(self, method, uri, timeout=None, download=False, r_obj=None, upload=False, form_data=None): """Send a file transfer request via REST to the target API. Valid methods are 'POST' and 'PUT'. :param method: request method -- str :param uri: target uri -- str :param timeout: optional timeout override -- int :param download: if download request -- bool :param r_obj: download request payload -- dict :param upload: if upload request -- bool :param form_data: upload multipart form data -- dict :returns: server response, status code -- dict, int :raises: InvalidInputException, VolumeBackendAPIException, Timeout, SSLError, ConnectionError, HTTPError """ if download and not upload: headers = { CONTENT_TYPE: APP_JSON, ACCEPT: APP_OCT, USER_AGENT: ua_details, APP_TYPE: self.headers.get('application-type')} elif upload and not download: headers = { ACCEPT_ENC: APP_MPART, USER_AGENT: ua_details, APP_TYPE: self.headers.get('application-type')} else: msg = ('You must select one of upload/download for ' 'file_transfer_request method.') LOG.error(msg) raise exception.InvalidInputException(msg) timeout_val = self.timeout if not timeout else timeout data = json.dumps(r_obj, sort_keys=True, indent=4) if r_obj else None url = '{base_url}{uri}'.format(base_url=self.base_url, uri=uri) try: ft_session = self.establish_rest_session(headers=headers) response = ft_session.request( method=method, url=url, timeout=timeout_val, stream=download, data=data, files=form_data) ft_session.close() status_code = response.status_code LOG.debug('{method} request to {url} has returned with a status ' 'code of: {sc}.'.format(method=method, url=url, sc=status_code)) return response, status_code except requests.Timeout as error: LOG.error( 'The {method} request to URL {url} timed-out, but may have ' 'been successful. Please check the array. Exception received: ' '{exc}.'.format(method=method, url=url, exc=error)) return None, None except r_exc.SSLError as error: msg = ( 'The connection to {base} has encountered an SSL error. ' 'Please check your SSL config or supplied SSL cert in Cinder ' 'configuration. SSL Exception message: {m}'.format( base=self.base_url, m=error)) raise r_exc.SSLError(msg) from error except (r_exc.ConnectionError, r_exc.HTTPError) as error: exc_class, __, __ = sys.exc_info() msg = ( 'The {met} to Unisphere server {base} has experienced a {exc} ' 'error. Please check your Unisphere server connection and ' 'availability. Exception message: {msg}'.format( met=method, base=self.base_url, exc=error.__class__.__name__, msg=error)) raise exc_class(msg) from error except Exception as error: exp_message = ( 'The {method} request to URL {url} failed with exception: ' '{e}.'.format(method=method, url=url, e=error)) raise exception.VolumeBackendAPIException(data=exp_message)
[docs] def close_session(self): """Close the current session.""" self.session.close()