Source code for PyU4V.univmax_conn

# Copyright (c) 2020 Dell Inc. or its subsidiaries.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.

import logging
import sys
import time

from PyU4V.common import CommonFunctions
from PyU4V.clone import CloneFunctions
from PyU4V.metro_dr import MetroDRFunctions
from PyU4V.migration import MigrationFunctions
from PyU4V.performance import PerformanceFunctions
from PyU4V.provisioning import ProvisioningFunctions
from PyU4V.replication import ReplicationFunctions
from PyU4V.rest_requests import RestRequests
from PyU4V.snapshot_policy import SnapshotPolicyFunctions
from PyU4V.serviceability import ServiceabilityFunctions
from PyU4V.system import SystemFunctions
from PyU4V.utils import config_handler
from PyU4V.utils import constants
from PyU4V.utils import exception
from PyU4V.workload_planner import WLPFunctions
from PyU4V.volumes import VolumesFunctions
from PyU4V.storage_groups import StorageGroupsFunctions
from PyU4V.performance_enhanced import EnhancedPerformanceFunctions
from version import MAJOR_VERSION, API_VERSION

file_path = None
app_type = 'PyU4V-{v}'.format(v=constants.PYU4V_VERSION)

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

SETUP = constants.SETUP
ARRAY = constants.ARRAY
R_ARRAY = constants.R_ARRAY
R_ARRAY_2 = constants.R_ARRAY_2
PORT = constants.PORT
VERIFY = constants.VERIFY

[docs] class U4VConn(object): """U4VConn.""" def __init__(self, username=None, password=None, server_ip=None, port=None, verify=None, u4v_version=constants.UNISPHERE_VERSION, interval=5, retries=200, array_id=None, application_type=app_type, remote_array=None, remote_array_2=None, proxies=None, timeout=None): """__init__.""" config = config_handler.set_logger_and_config(file_path) self.end_date = int(round(time.time() * 1000)) self.start_date = (self.end_date - 3600000) self.array_id = array_id self.timeout = timeout if timeout is not None else 120 # Set array ID if not self.array_id: try: self.array_id = config.get(SETUP, ARRAY) except Exception: LOG.warning( 'No array id specified. Please set array ID using ' 'U4VConn.set_array_id(array_id).') # Set environment config if config is not None: if not username: username = config.get(SETUP, USERNAME) if not password: password = config.get(SETUP, PASSWORD) if not server_ip: server_ip = config.get(SETUP, SERVER_IP) if not port: port = config.get(SETUP, PORT) # Optional Parameters for SRDF Remote array configurations if config.has_option(SETUP, R_ARRAY): if not remote_array: self.remote_array = config.get(SETUP, R_ARRAY) else: self.remote_array = None if config.has_option(SETUP, R_ARRAY_2): if not remote_array_2: self.remote_array_2 = config.get(SETUP, R_ARRAY_2) else: self.remote_array_2 = None if config.has_option(SETUP, 'timeout') and timeout is None: self.timeout = int(config.get(SETUP, 'timeout')) # Set verification if verify is None: try: verify = config.get(SETUP, VERIFY) if verify.lower() == 'false': verify = False elif verify.lower() == 'true': verify = True except Exception: verify = True if None in [username, password, server_ip, port]: raise exception.MissingConfigurationException # Initialise REST session base_url = f'https://{server_ip}:{port}/univmax/restapi' enhanced_api_url = f'https://{server_ip}:{port}/univmax/rest' self.rest_client = RestRequests( username, password, verify, base_url, interval, retries, application_type, proxies=proxies, timeout=self.timeout) self.enhanced_rest_client = RestRequests( username, password, verify, enhanced_api_url, interval, retries, application_type, proxies=proxies, timeout=self.timeout) self.request = self.rest_client.rest_request self.common = CommonFunctions(self.rest_client) self.validate_unisphere() self.clone = CloneFunctions(self.array_id, self.rest_client) self.provisioning = ProvisioningFunctions(self.array_id, self.rest_client) self.performance = PerformanceFunctions(self.array_id, self.rest_client) self.replication = ReplicationFunctions(self.array_id, self.rest_client) self.metro_dr = MetroDRFunctions(self.array_id, self.rest_client) self.migration = MigrationFunctions(self.array_id, self.rest_client) self.wlp = WLPFunctions(self.array_id, self.rest_client) self.snapshot_policy = SnapshotPolicyFunctions(self.array_id, self.rest_client) self.system = SystemFunctions(self.array_id, self.rest_client) self.serviceability = ServiceabilityFunctions( self.array_id, self.rest_client) self.performance_enhanced = EnhancedPerformanceFunctions( self.array_id, self.enhanced_rest_client) self.volumes = VolumesFunctions( self.array_id, self.enhanced_rest_client) self.storage_groups = StorageGroupsFunctions( self.array_id, self.enhanced_rest_client)
[docs] def close_session(self): """Close the current rest session.""" self.rest_client.close_session()
[docs] def set_requests_timeout(self, timeout_value): """Set the requests timeout. :param timeout_value: the new timeout value -- int """ self.rest_client.timeout = timeout_value
[docs] def set_array_id(self, array_id): """Set the array serial number. :param array_id: the array serial number -- str """ self.array_id = array_id self.performance.array_id = array_id self.provisioning.array_id = array_id self.replication.array_id = array_id self.migration.array_id = array_id self.wlp.array_id = array_id self.system.array_id = array_id self.storage_groups.array_id = array_id self.performance_enhanced.array_id = array_id self.snapshot_policy.array_id = array_id self.volumes.array_id = array_id self.clone.array_id = array_id self.serviceability.array_id = array_id
[docs] def validate_unisphere(self): """Check that the minimum version of Unisphere is in-use. If the version of Unisphere used does not meet minimum requirements the application will exit gracefully. :raises: SystemExit """ uni_ver, major_ver = self.common.get_uni_version() if int(major_ver) < int(API_VERSION): msg = (f'Unisphere version {uni_ver} does not meet the minimum ' f'requirement of v{MAJOR_VERSION} Please upgrade your ' f'version of Unisphere to use this SDK. Exiting...') sys.exit(msg) else: LOG.debug('Unisphere version {uv} passes minimum requirement ' 'check.'.format(uv=uni_ver))