Source code for PyU4V.volumes

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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
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import logging

from PyU4V.common import CommonFunctions
from PyU4V.utils import constants

LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs] class VolumesFunctions(object): """Enhanced Functions for retrieving Array Configuration Data.""" def __init__(self, array_id, rest_client): """__init__.""" self.common = CommonFunctions(rest_client) self.get_resource = self.common.get_resource self.create_resource = self.common.create_resource self.modify_resource = self.common.modify_resource self.delete_resource = self.common.delete_resource self.array_id = array_id self.enhanced_api_version = constants.ENHANCED_API_VERSION
[docs] def get_volumes_meta_data(self): """Get details on available meta data. :returns: dictionary with list of attributes and descriptions of attribute types -- dict """ response = constants.VOLUMES_METADATA return response
[docs] def get_volumes_details(self, array_id=None, filters=None, select=None, exclude=None): """Get list of volumes from array with selected parameters. :param array_id: The storage array ID -- string :param filters: filter parameters, used to narrow down the result list, filters can be any of the volume attributes, and operators vary depending on type, 'eq','ne','gt','ge','lt','le', equal, not equal, greater than, greater than or equal, less than, less than or equal, additional operators are 'like','ilike' for string match, or case in-sensitive string match, example filters=['num_of_storage_groups eq 1', 'identifier ilike findme'] -- list :param select: selection of attributes to be in return, attributes can be listed using get_volumes_meta_data function If none selected base set of top level attributes are returned, by default API will only return id, to achieve this pass a list with empty string [''], to extend the list of attributes returned to include second level attributes you can pass along with list from get_volumes_meta_data() e.g. select=api.volumes.get_volumes_meta_data() + [''] -- list :param exclude: list of attributes to exclude, by default rdf_infos and snapshot details have been excluded as these can extend the running of the API call, to override simply pass an empty list or specify a list of attribute names that you want to exclude from the return, if values are passed in by select exclude is ignored -- list :returns: dict """ array_id = array_id if array_id else self.array_id if not exclude: exclude = ['rdf_infos', 'snapshots'] if not select: select = [] volume_metadata = self.get_volumes_meta_data() for attribute in volume_metadata: if attribute['name'] not in exclude: select.append(attribute['name']) select.append(attribute['name']) select = ','.join(select) if filters: filters = '&filter=' + ','.join(filters) else: filters = '' response = self.common.get_request( target_uri=f"/{self.enhanced_api_version}/systems" f"/{array_id}/volumes?select={select}{filters}", resource_type=None) return response